Ultimate Guide To Interactive Digital Signage Touchscreen Solutions

Touchscreen interfaces are becoming increasingly popular in people's lives. As users depend on the interactivity of their mobile devices, they come to expect the same experience wherever they go. This is one major reason interactive touch screen solutions are becoming popular in many places such as malls, retail stores, hotels, universities, hospitals, and airports. The users instantly recognize these systems and intuitively know how they work. Interactive touchscreen solutions serve as the signature technology of modern digital communications. Part of this has to do with people's familiarity with their smartphones, but also because of the versatility and commercial value offered…

Designing Effective Wayfinding Solutions

Wayfinding is the use of space and design to direct people to a destination. Whether implemented for a commercial building, a hospital, a shopping center, a school campus, sports arena, visitors need a well-designed wayfinding program to lead their way. A successful wayfinding approach is to fulfill a user's wayfinding needs by using accessible information in the environment. It is concentrated on making location and space information effectively navigable. That is, providing users with a way to find a path from their starting point to a destination. Traditional wayfinding solutions allow the user to create an invisible path in their…

What Can Digital Transformation Deliver to your Business

Is your company on board with the digital transformation, but have no idea about it yet? Well, if you have no idea about what digital transformation is all about, you are not alone. Even if this is a hot buzz around the globe, some are still unsure where they fall on the digital proficiency scale. Still, this is a key term that businesses need to focus on, understand, embrace and lead. Why Digital Transformation Matters? Digital transformation is a powerful business driver - it involves re-alignment of technology and business models to effectively engage with digital customers at every touch…

6 Wayfinding Digital Signage Trends for 2016

Digital wayfinding kiosks and signage have been enhancing visitors' experience of years. The trend continues to be on the rise, and we can see why: these devices are being introduced in greater frequency within buildings and campuses, malls and venues, public spaces and residential communities, hotels and resorts, and other facilities. With the purpose of providing an accurate location, intelligent paths, and easy-to-use interface, digital wayfinding is continuously improving to provide a better user experience. Media and tech companies are developing powerful software that uses cutting-edge technology to include features that fit the needs of every market and industry. What…